List of Deadlines (UPLB GS 2nd Semester 2021-2022)

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GS Reminder:

Re-posting the schedule of deadlines for the remainder of the semester. Please be guided accordingly.


Apply now to our Graduate Programs

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Application deadlines are coming!
Midyear (Only for programs with a midyear preparatory school) on May 15
Master in Food Engineering on May 30

Application Submission Bins:
For Master’s:
For PhDs:

GS50 Webinar and Training Series “Ethics in Graduate Research 2: UPLB Research Ethics Approval Processes”

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Nestle Post-Graduate Nutrition Scholarship Second Semester 2021-2022 Deadline: 10 January 2022

Degree programs:

  • Applied Nutrition
  • Human Nutrition
  • Environmental Science
  • Soil Science
  • Agronomy
  • Forestry

Kindly visit this link for the list of requirements and the online application portal:

Application form available at:

Note: Only applications with complete requirements will be processed. Questions? Please email Ms. Nhimvie Doldolea at [email protected].



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The Graduate School commemorates its 49th year anniversary since its inception on December 21, 1972 with the theme “Marching Towards 50 Years of Excellence in Graduate Education”.

The 3-day celebration includes the GS2020x + GS50 Webinar on Research Ethics featuring a talk by Dr. Maria Carmina C. Manuel of the UPLB Research Ethics Review Committee, the GS @49 Anniversary Celebration with keynote speech by UPLBGS Alumna and development communication expert Dr. Teresa H. Stuart-Guida, and the GS Night Out featuring games and performances.

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UPLB GS, RUA conclude institutional outcomes and educational philosophy workshop

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The UPLB Graduate School (GS) and the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) of Cambodia concluded on Nov. 26, the three-day “Workshop on Institutional Outcomes and Educational Philosophy” that both collaborated on in November.

The workshop was held as one of the activities under the Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP), which is being funded by the World Bank.

On the last day of the workshop, the RUA team presented the institutional outcomes and educational philosophy statements that they drafted after Parts 1 and 2 of the workshop.

Part 1, held on Nov. 12, was the formal opening of the workshop, which was followed by plenary sessions. Part 2, held on Nov. 24 featured talks by resource speakers Dr. Ruth A. Ortega-Dela Cruz and Dr. Greg T. Pawilen.

Dr. Ortega-Dela Cruz, an associate professor at the College of Public Affairs and Development  and program chair of the Bachelor of Education Studies at the UP Open University talked about educational philosophy.

Dr. Pawilen, director of the Office for Institutional Development in Higher Education and a professor at the College of Human Ecology, on the other hand, discussed institutional outcomes.

At Day 3 of the workshop, the UPLB team, composed of Dr. Jomar F. Rabajante, GS dean; Dr. Ronilo Jose Flores, GS associate dean;  Dr. Anna Floresca Firmalino, director of the Office for Institutional Linkages; and Dr. Pawilen, helped the RUA participants refine their draft institutional outcomes and educational philosophy.

They assured their RUA counterparts headed by Prof. Dr. Seng Mom, vice rector of RUA, and Dr. Nguon Samnang, dean of RUA GS, of their support even after the workshop has ended.

Following the discussion of the outputs was the formal closing program where Chancellor Camacho and Prof. Dr. Seng Mom, vice rector of RUA, on behalf of RUA rector, His Excellency Dr. Ngo Bunthan, gave their congratulatory messages to the participants.

Chancellor Camacho expressed confidence that RUA will succeed in its journey toward enhancing the quality of their graduate programs and in upgrading their individual and institutional capacities.

Prof. Dr. Seng Mom expressed her sincere and deep appreciation for the technical inputs  made by the UPLB team and for walking the RUA team through the analysis and visioning exercise to develop their graduate school educational philosophy, institutional outcomes, and vision statement. She thanked the UPLB team for the “joyful and active process” despite the workshop being held virtually.

The workshop concluded with a synthesis given by Dr. Nguon Samnang, dean of the RUA Graduate School. (JMBo)

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UPLB GS, RUA hold institutional outcomes and educational philosophy workshop

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The UPLB Graduate School (GS) and the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) of Cambodia are holding  the “Workshop on Institutional Outcomes and Educational Philosophy” as part of a partnership under the Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP) which is funded by the World Bank.

The workshop kicked off with a short opening program held via virtual conference on Nov. 12. 

Part 1, which followed immediately after the opening program, focused on educational philosophy and institutional outcomes. 

Parts 2 and 3 of the workshop will be held on Nov. 24 and Nov. 26, respectively. After Part 1, the participants will conduct continuing activities to prepare for the next parts.

In his welcome remarks, Chancellor Jose V. Camacho, Jr., described the workshop as a venue for collaborative activities to discuss and draft institutional outcome and educational philosophy in the context of higher education at RUA.

The workshop, Chancellor Camacho said, aims to enhance the quality of graduate programs and to upgrade individual and institutional capacities at the Cambodian university.

In her welcome message, Prof. Dr. Seng Mom, vice rector of RUA, representing the rector, His Excellency Dr. Ngo Buntham, expressed her pleasure and gratitude for the partnership between UPLB and RUA, saying that it is a great honor to be working with a strong university in the region and in the world. 

She said that HEIP will not only deliver the committed output but also create an opportunity to explore and expand their collaboration with UPLB in other fields, as well.

The workshop proper began with the opening remarks by Dr. Jomar F. Rabajante, dean of GS. 

Dr. Rabajante, in explaining the importance of the activities in Part 1 of the workshop, said that without it, it will be very difficult to craft detailed strategies, improved curricular programs, and effective graduate school systems.

“We need to have outcomes so that we will know what to do now and in the next years to attain the outcomes. Today, we will look at the future and design the outcomes towards that future,” Dr. Rabajante added.

Dr. Nguon Samnang, dean of RUA GS, expressed gratitude for the visionary leadership and administration of RUA and for the strategic partnership and commitment they have built with UPLB GS.

Following the opening messages was the presentation of the results of a visioning exercise that was held earlier in September. The presentation was made by Dr. Ronilo Jose Flores, associate dean of GS.

The visioning exercise immediately followed, also done virtually using the Mural Vision Board. Dr. Rabajante gave his insights on the outputs from RUA in his synthesis and how the participants can still improve these in preparation for Parts 2 and 3 of the workshop.

Also in attendance was Dr. Anna Floresca Firmalino, director of the Office for Institutional Linkages who gave the closing remarks for Part I, describing it as initial steps in developing and improving the RUA graduate programs, procedures, and administration.

Serving as program host for Part 1 was Keirth France Eymard Manio, project assistant at GS.

The workshop resource speakers for Parts 2 and 3 are UPLB faculty members, Dr. Ruth A. Ortega-Dela Cruz and Dr. Greg Tabios Pawilen.

Dr. Ortega-Dela Cruz is an associate professor at the Institute for Governance and Rural Development of the College of Public Affairs and Development and program chair of the Bachelor of Education Studies at the UP Open University.

Dr. Pawilen is the director of the UPLB Office for Institutional Development in Higher Education. He is a professor at the Department of Human and Family Development Studies of the College of Human Ecology. (JMBo)

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UPLB GS, RUA to hold workshop on educational philosophy and institutional outcomes

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The UPLB Graduate School (UPLB GS), in partnership with the Royal University of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will spearhead a workshop on Educational Philosophy and Institutional Outcomes from 9am to 1pm on Nov. 12, 18, and 26.

This will be the first activity led by the UPLB GS under the Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP). It will consist of collaborative activities that tackle the topic in the context of higher education.

The resource speakers for the event are Dr. Ruth A. Ortega-Dela Cruz, faculty members at the College of Public Affairs and Development, and Dr. Greg T. Pawilen, director of the Office for Institutional Development in Higher Education.

The goal of HEIP is to further develop the quality and relevance of higher education and research in the Kingdom of Cambodia. It also aims to improve governance in the academic sector. (Kyle Ramiel Dalangin

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Click here for the MIDYEAR 2020 ENROLLMENT PROCESS 


UPLB Graduate School Guidelines on the 2nd Semester AY 2019-2020

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The UPLB Graduate School programs is adopting the general framework, rationale, and guidelines, of
UP System Policy on the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 in the Time of Covid-19 and OC Memo No.

UPLB Graduate School Guidelines on the 2nd Semester AY 2019-2020

Memo no. 072 s 2020 Implementing Guidelines of the UP System Policy on the 2nd semester AY 2019-2020 in the Time of COVID-19 issued by UP PRES. CONCEPCION

PDLC Signed  Implementing Guidelines BOR Decision on the Second Semester

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